The PicoSure Difference.

Picosure pressurewave technology uses a unique wavelength of light (755 nm) and a specialized lens to convert laser energy into gentle pressure. This pressure squeezes cells, activating the natural cell signalling processes that creates new collagen and elastin without burning or damaging the skin. Cell signalling initiates an enhanced healing response that leads to increased collagen and elastin and ultimately revitalizes the skin. PicoSure doesn’t rely on heat to burn away and destroy skin to force the body to heal. Instead it is designed to activate the body’s natural immune response while minimizing injury and discomfort, as it uses gentle pressure instead of damaging heat.

PicoSure Laser Skin Rejuventation

Most patients find the procedure very tolerable with minimal discomfort. Numbing cream is applied ahead of time for increased comfort. PicoSure delivers energy in ultra-short bursts with each burst being only a trillionth of one second (a picosecond), and patients often compare this feeling to a snap of a thin rubber band. After the procedure, the treatment area may be somewhat tender and flushed.

You will experience minimal swelling or redness, just 1-3 hours, as make-up and sunscreens can be applied immediately post treatment. And no need to cover up and miss work or leisure activities. Fast, gentle treatments mean you don’t have to disrupt your busy life to achieve incredible, head-turning improvements!

The result? Brighter healthier, younger-looking skin with virtually no downtime. That’s a breakthrough.

Meet Catharine Stanworth

Top PicoSure laser expert in the nation with 25 plus years of experience in wellness.

Catharine Stanworth aka Cat contributes a comprehensive repertoire of cosmetic laser treatments, as well as substantial business and medical acumen to Elo Skin. Prior to joining, Cat built her expertise with lasers in several highly regarded dermatology and plastic surgery settings. Her specialty lies in total skin rejuvenation, scar revisions, melasma, sun damage, wrinkles, acne, tattoo removal, and skin tightening for all ages and skin types. Cat’s synergistic treatment methodology, utilizing both skincare products and preventative laser treatments delivers tactile results with little to no downtime. Cat’s experience with a vast number of laser procedures allows her to tailor a unique treatment plan for each client and optimize their results.

Cat’s dedication to excellence is evident in her standing as one of the top ranked skin rejuvenation experts with PicoSure laser treatments nationwide.

Originating in Cambridge, England, Cat had the opportunity of attending boarding school where she met people from all over the world. Upon graduating college she worked in eight different countries for over a decade, before finally moving to the Unites States. Cat has been a lifelong vegetarian and longtime supporter of bioidentical hormone treatments. She is a proud mother of girl/boy twins and is fortunate to live on a small parcel of land with her husband, two dogs, cat, mini horse and mini donkey.

Why PicoSure?

Why PicoSure?

Book a complimentary consult with Cat today.

PicoSure sessions begin at $600, and also available in package discounted pricing. Cat will discuss your comprehensive treatment plan during your consultation.